How to Help My Child with Conduct Personality Disorder


We have talked to you about how to identify dissocial personality disorder. But what happens when our child suffers from this disorder? How can we face our day to day to help him and that at the same time coexistence is better? What kind of guidelines could be appropriate in our case?

From this article, we want to guide you on how to help my child with conduct disorder, but do not forget that if you feel very overwhelmed you should not hesitate to consult a professional who will adequately monitor your child and help him manage better conflict situations in your home.

Steps to follow:

  1. Find information about Conduct Personality Disorder, understand what it is, understand it. Help your child understand it. In order to help, you must first understand.
  2. Seek help from professionals who can help and guide in these cases. Coordinate the actions at home with those of the professional.
  3. Coordinate your actions with the professionals of the school.
  4. Accept your child as he is. It is not good to generate ideals that are not real.
  5. Pay attention to him when he has appropriate behaviors and reinforce him by acknowledging him in an effective way (hugs, praise … and avoiding any material rewards).
  6. When you want to highlight a behavior, explain the behavior you expect from him, focusing on the behavior and never on personal characteristics.
  7. Help him improve his empathy, helping him to recognize the feelings and behaviors of others and his own
  8. Establish clear rules with previously discussed and accepted consequences with your child, expressing them in a positive way, avoiding threats.
  9. Stay calm, and speak to your child in a calm tone of voice. Do not show nervousness or rejection towards your child. You must bear in mind that your child will always tend to imitate you.
  10. Avoid overprotection and punishments, when you have to apply them, they must be proportionate and related to the behavior of your child, indicating at all times the specific and correct form of action.
  11. Show positive role models for everyday behavior by example. Help him understand the problem, why it is happening to them, and let him discover the possible solutions himself (with your help).
  12. Employs an educational style based on affection, non-permissiveness and mutual respect.
  13. Provides a calm and relaxed environment, avoiding a lot of stimulation. Provide your child with a structured environment with well-ordered, established routines.
  14. Increase your confidence and self-esteem, acknowledging your progress and effort on a day-to-day basis.

This article is merely informative, we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.



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