What are the consequences of overprotecting your children?


The overprotection in children is a way to educate wrong, well you only have negative consequences. The wish of any parent is that their children are happy and that they do not suffer, that they do not go through events that parents may have experienced in their childhood and do not want their little ones to repeat them.But you have to know that suffering or fighting in life does not mean being unhappy, and not suffering does not mean absolute happiness. That is why we want to explain to you what are the consequences of overprotecting children.

Steps to follow:

  1. Low self-concept. If he is always prevented from being able to deal with situations on his own, he will never know what he is capable of.
  2. Problems in social skills. They become shy, withdrawn. They are afraid to act on their own in case something bad happens to them and they prefer to avoid confrontational situations or possible problems with others.
  3. Difficulty making decisions for themselves. They don’t know what it is to decide for themselves, because mom or dad have always done it for them. What is better than for themselves? The child who has been overprotected becomes indecisive, doubtful. Even decisions that for other people may be very simple, for them it becomes a source of intense anguish.
  4. The maximum consequence of overprotection is insecurity. They become insecure children and adults, they feel incapable of doing anything for themselves, having low self-esteem for not having had the opportunity to achieve their own.
  5. Search for safety in the other. They will rely on others to make decisions for them, because that is what they are used to. They seek protection in the other giving rise to harmful relationships for them having emotional dependence.
  6. Negative thoughts about life and themselves. This causes them to quickly abandon the things they propose, giving up quickly, the first obstacle is no longer worth continuing for fear of making a mistake. They may even avoid trying to avoid failure.
  7. Complicated relationships with parents. As they get older and understand the world around them, they may feel angry towards them, blaming them for the frustration they feel unable to do anything for themselves.
  8. They blame others for their problems. The anger they feel makes them blame others for everything that happens to them without this allowing them to notice themselves and what they can and are capable of doing to improve and feel better.
  9. Depression. When they reach adolescence or adulthood, they can manifest depression due to their low self-esteem, their low self-concept and not being able to solve problems on their own.
  10. Learned helplessness. Feeling of being able to control the events that happen to you, surely due to negative experiences in your life, the feeling that whatever you do will change nothing. All this will lead you not to know what to do with your life feeling worse and worse.

This article is merely informative, we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.


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