How to help my child with anorexia


The anorexia is an eating disorder that is found mainly in adolescents, and causes many problems in the family. If you have a child with this disorder, you will surely wonder in what ways you can help him and at the same time protect the rest of your family and yourself. Although it is not the same to help a son with twelve years of age than with twenty, from this article, we want to guide you with somewhat general guidelines to guide you on how to help your son/daughter with anorexia.

Steps to follow:

  1. Know in depth the disease that is affecting your child. Find information about anorexia and how to act both before and after the long recovery process.
  2. Make it clear that you love him and that you will be by his side. Your affection is essential for your child, even if they sometimes have rejecting behaviors, don’t throw in the towel. You are the most important thing in his life.
  3. Put normality in your life. It doesn’t mean putting the problem aside, but continually talking about it can be even worse. Try not to focus everything on your illness because it will get worse. Do normal things that you have always done at other times, such as shopping, walking, going to the movies, etc. Find times to spend time together without thinking about anorexia.
  4. Talk to your child and above all, listen to him. Having good communication is very important. It will surely be difficult for you to talk about what is happening to you, but that you do so is very important for your good evolution. It is essential that your child knows that you will be by his side to listen to him, support him and above all not to judge him. Never allow manipulations.
  5. If you have more children, do not leave them aside; neither them nor your partner. They should try to lead their lives as normally as possible, and don’t forget something very important, they need you too.
  6. Go to a specialist if you need to manage the situation in your home. You must maintain the rules of coexistence and meals in the house. Decide what to eat at home, being varied and healthy. No drastic changes due to the current situation.

This article is merely informative, we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort


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