How to help my child with bulimia


The bulimia, and the like anorexia usually occurs in adolescence. This eating disorder can lead to numerous family problems.If you have a child with bulimia, you will know that fighting this disease is not easy and to help people with bulimia you need a lot of willpower and a lot of determination to take small steps. But from this article, we want to guide you with some tips so you can discover how to help your child with bulimia.

Steps to follow:

  1. Find information about the disease your child suffers from to know how to act in different cases and specially to understand what this disease is and why it can originate.
  2. Don’t feel guilty. You must bear in mind that you have to be by your child’s side to help and support him at all times. It needs your love and understanding.
  3. Another important aspect to help your child with bulimia is to seek as much normality as possible in the family. If you have more children, it is essential that they try to lead a life as normal as possible and together do those activities that you always used to do together: go for a walk, to the movies, to shop, etc. Do not let disease control your lives, but do not put it aside either.
  4. Maintain fluid communication with your child. It is very likely that your child will find it difficult to talk about what is happening to him, but it is very important that he feels support in you, that he knows that you will be by his side to talk with him and above all, to listen to him without judging him.
  5. Don’t let illness be a family problem. Think that your partner and your children need you too. Don’t let it suck you in completely.
  6. Do not allow any type of manipulation in your home or that food is a weapon to manipulate you. Be clear about a series of rules in your home. If you need guidance, do not hesitate to go to a specialist so that he or she can guide you in the process of improving your child.
  7. If necessary, try attending support groups to see other perspectives.
  8. Go to a professional for guidance and guidance. If your child decides to seek help, accompany him throughout the process to know that you respect him and that you will be by his side at all times.

This article is merely informative, we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.


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