How to help my child with schizoaffective disorder


The schizoaffective disorder is characterized by symptoms of psychosis and changes in mood. Having this disorder, like any other, is serious. In addition, living with the disorder can also be very complicated.But what happens if it is your child who suffers from it? Sometimes impotence can mark a mother desperate to help her child. But with the help of specialists always, in some way, a way is found to help a child, even if only partially. From this article, we want to guide you on how to help my son with schizoaffective disorder.

Steps to follow:

  1. Find information about the disorder, learn everything that is necessary. In order to help you must first know. In this way you can face the disorder and improve your day to day.
  2. Give your child support and, above all, do not judge him.
  3. Even if he does discuss it with you first, encourage him to talk to other people about his illness. This will help you to relate better and feel understood.
  4. Accompany him to his medical appointments so that he feels supported at all times and watches that he takes the medication he needs.
  5. If he takes medication and has side effects, be by his side at all times.
  6. See a specialist immediately if you notice any of these relapse symptoms:
  7. Change your perception, your way of thinking or feeling things.
  8. Begins to behave differently.
  9. The people around him let you know that they notice a negative change.
  10. You feel more upset and nervous, without knowing why.
  11. You have sleeping and eating disorders.
  12. He is apathetic and without any social interest.
  13. Advise your child to attend support groups and accompany him to the sessions.
  14. If you have any questions or symptoms that you cannot explain, go immediately to the specialist.

This article is merely informative, we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.


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