How to know if my child has bulimia nervosa


Any parent can feel concerned when they begin to notice that something is wrong with their teenager. And it is that both bulimia and anorexia are not only a girl thing, but there are also boys who are affected by this disorder.In addition, although it is statistically girls who suffer it more, when a disorder of this type occurs in a boy it is usually even more difficult to treat. That is why it is important to observe young adolescents and even more so if they present obsessive traits. That is why we want to guide you on how to know if my child has bulimia nervosa and thus be able to detect it early.

Steps to follow:

  1. It could be the first evidence that your child suffers from bulimia, if he / she begins to restrict foods, especially fats and also carbohydrates that are not consistent with bingeing in short periods of time.
  2. You suddenly eat large amounts of food, or buy a lot of food that disappears quickly.
  3. He does not rest after eating, preferring activities that have to do with exercise.
  4. He begins to dress differently than he did before, preferring baggy clothes.
  5. He always goes to the bathroom right after eating and takes time to come out. Long enough to make yourself vomit or take laxatives. You can use sound strategies such as turning on the faucet to disguise the noise you may make by making yourself vomit.
  6. Sudden interest in Internet pages and books dedicated to diets, laxatives, diet pills, etc.
  7. Changes of character in family situations that require eating in company and skipping their way of eating, as well as possible depressive problems.
  8. Rounded face that contrasts with the body and the body, this is because the provoked and repetitive vomiting enlarges the size of the parotid glands.
  9. It is very important to identify the problem as soon as possible to stop these behavior patterns and thus prevent it from becoming chronic.

This article is merely informative, we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.


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