How to know if my child has mental retardation


Mental retardation involves several things, not only is it an intellectual functioning that is below average. The child with mental retardation also has a significant deficit of adaptive capacity, such as in communication, self-care, academic ability, social ability, etc.But beyond the deficiencies, these children have many riches. Learning to develop and stimulate the capacities of our children is a very important step that will promote their personal development. Next, in this article, we will present you how to know if my child has mental retardation.

Characteristics of mental retardation

When we have a child, the first concerns revolve around his health, whether he is developing well, whether he is of the correct height, whether his weight is adequate, and so on. However, from the moment he is born until he reaches the age of 5, the child also has to develop in other parameters, which will be reflected in the way he acts, how he plays, how he learns and how he expresses himself.

If your child has difficulties in any of these areas, if he cannot learn certain actions in the appropriate time, such as smiling, waving his hand or taking the first steps, he may have a developmental problem or mental retardation.

If you want to know how to identify if your child has mental retardation, you should be attentive to some of these parameters, comparing them with children of his age, to identify the problem in time and be able to provide the necessary help so that he can fully develop all his potentialities.

Symptoms of mild mental retardation in babies

One of the keys to knowing if your child has mental retardation is if he is slow to crawl, sit or walk in relation to other children his age. A good crawl is one of the most important points in the development of the baby since it stimulates the use of the two cerebral hemispheres, improves its connections and learns to coordinate its body with its vision.

If it takes a long time to start mobility by itself, it may be due to mental retardation, however, it does not mean that any child who takes time to crawl suffers it, there are many more causes, such as physical ones, that prevent them from following the normal rate of development.

Mental retardation in children 3 to 6 years

All children should follow the same developmental guidelines. As they grow, they learn different skills that serve as a springboard to learn other more difficult skills.

If you have already struggled to master crawling, it is very likely that it is difficult for you to start talking, and this is precisely one of the characteristics that can help us identify mental retardation. These children have difficulty learning to speak and do so much later than normal.

Schooling, a key moment

When they are babies, it is very difficult to establish clearly if a child suffers from mental retardation, especially if it is mild. Many of the things we have discussed so far may be due to numerous developmental disorders; autism, asperger syndrome, dyslexia, etc.

It is when they begin their schooling, begin to socialize and receive their first lessons, that we can evaluate with more reasons if the child has mental retardation. In school they present serious difficulties in logical reasoning and problem solving.

Symptoms of mental retardation in behavior

In fact, in the way he contacts and interacts with other people and with other children, we can appreciate some of the keys that allow us to know if our child has mental retardation.

  • You have to pay attention to how he acts in the face of orders and rules, children with retardation cannot adapt to these rules or have many difficulties. His behavior is permanently childish and does not respond to orders.
  • lack of knowledge about the actions and their consequences can also be appreciated, of which they are not aware. They don’t understand the seriousness of doing certain things.
  • Obviously, another of the symptoms that alert us and that can help to know if my son has mental retardation is his difficulty to understand things. When they are taught something new, they forget it and find it difficult to retain the information.
  • One of the main characteristics of young children is their curiosity and desire to understand everything that surrounds them. Touching, feeling, sucking, searching, asking, for them everything is new and everything surprises them, anything inspires a very intense curiosity that parents must help satisfy. If, in addition to all the above, your child shows lack of curiosity in unfamiliar situations, it can be a symptom that alerts you to possible mental retardation.

When to visit the pediatrician

If you are worried, if you want to know if your child has mental retardation or you suspect that he may have some type of developmental delay, the most sensible option is to quickly contact a pediatrician.

He will be able to evaluate if his development is adjusted to what should be normal for his age. If the pediatrician finds reasons to validate this suspicion, it is very likely that he will refer the case to the neuropediatrician or a developmental specialist so that they can evaluate the case in more depth.

If your child is older, it will most likely require a psychologist’s consultation.

This article is merely informative, we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.


  • If you suspect that your child may have mental retardation, go to a specialist doctor for a proper diagnosis.


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