How to treat an autistic child


The Autism is a disorder that affects development skills of people, mainly with regard to the development of language and social skills.Non-verbal behaviors, such as eye contact, facial expressions and gestures, are notably affected, as well as forms of relationships with other children and even with adults. Autism primarily affects males, and it is a disorder with no cure. Here we present, cow to treat an autistic child.

Steps to follow:

  1. Consult with a specialist doctor. It is very important that your child has a correct diagnosis made by a health professional. The earlier autism is detected, the better your chances of progress. Although there is no cure, early intervention allows for greater improvement in the child.
  2. Create new forms of communication. Try to speak to your child in short, specific sentences. Observe and try to know their way of expressing themselves, autistic children have particular ways of showing their feelings and moods, it is important that you can decipher it in order to act accordingly. In this way, try as much as possible to establish a common language that unites them, such as gestures, art or music.
  3. Show your love. It is essential to show support, support and affection. Show him that you care and that you want to share your experiences with him. The autistic children, to having different ways of expressing themselves, often not clearly show what they want, but you must not forget that this does not mean you will not feel the need for love.
  4. Play with him. Sharing your games is really important. Through the game you can achieve incredible advances, you can play to repeat words, sing songs, among others. But fundamentally, playing with images, autistic children learn 90% by visual means, therefore, try to incorporate images into their games to encourage new learning.
  5. Manage routine changes carefully. Children with autism have a very strict routine and its modification often creates an imbalance. That is why, if you know that there is going to be a modification in the routine, such as a vacation trip, it is important that you try to communicate it beforehand, either with drawings or speaking. It is also important that you bring some objects or toys of your child, so that he feels safe and familiar.
  6. Encourage social contact. Stimulate eye contact, slowly take his head while you speak to him and try to make him look at you, as long as this does not create anxiety in him. You must do it with love and show confidence. You can also try teaching him to wave, each time you make the gesture of greeting him. Little by little, you can teach him little things, but always respecting his time.
  7. Keep calm. It is essential not to convey to the child anguish, anger, or any other negative feelings. He is not really aware of what is happening to him or guilty for it, it is for this reason that you should always try to stay calm and try to understand and support him.

This article is merely informative, we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.


  • Consult with a specialist doctor who will recommend possible treatments.


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