How to treat children with Down syndrome


The Down Syndrome is one of the most common birth defects today, every 700 children are estimated 1 in the world are born with this disability. This syndrome has a biological cause, and although it can be diagnosed early, there is no cure and there are no ways to prevent it.Among the main characteristics, there is a certain degree of intellectual disability and certain health problems associated with this syndrome, such as heart failure, vision problems, among others. The level of severity of these problems will depend on the degree of disability that the child presents. The Down Syndrome It is not a disease but a condition, and as a condition, it does not need any type of medical treatment itself, but the intervention of professionals specialized in the subject to promote proper development, beyond the health problems that it may cause.

Steps to follow:

  1. Learn about the subject so you can understand your child a little more. It is important that you are aware of everything that this syndrome implies in order to act accordingly. Visit the website that will provide you with the necessary information.
  2. Visit the doctor to check your child’s health. Due to the health problems associated with Down syndrome, it is important to be in control of your health so that you can intervene early.
  3. Stimulate your child. It is important to stimulate him in all possible activities, be it attending a sports institution, doing crafts, promoting activities with his companions. Help him with his homework, and spend part of the day playing with him. The stimulus that the family can give the child is essential.
  4. Talk to the elders who bond with your child. It is essential to have contact with all the adults who interact with your child in the various activities, be it his school teacher, gym teacher, etc. Show them that you are involved and convey to them the importance of informing you about your child’s evolution. Build trust between you to be able to work as a team for the good of your child.
  5. Show him your love. Children with Down Syndrome tend to be very loving towards everyone. Show your affection, convey love and tranquility. Talk to other family members so they don’t suppress the show of affection, but rather encourage it.
  6. Encourage their independence. It is important for children to make certain decisions, just like other children, about certain situations, such as what to wear, what movie to watch.
  7. It is important to reinforce his self-esteem and his feeling of security, you have to encourage him to have confidence in himself, that will help you treat children with Down syndrome.

This article is merely informative, we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.


  • Talk to a doctor to find out how to treat children with Down syndrome in detail.


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