How to Help My Child with Conduct Personality Disorder

We have talked to you about how to identify dissocial personality disorder. But what happens when our child suffers from this disorder? How can we face our day...

How to help my child with dyslexia read

We have talked to you about how to encourage children's reading, and it is very important to create this habit of reading from when they are very young.Reading helps...

Dysgraphia, difficulty writing in children – causes and treatment

Along with dyslexia, another of the most common language disorders in children is digraphy, also known as dysorthography or lexical dysgraphia. As a consequence of this disorder, the child...

Test to see if my child has dyslexia

When children are growing and learning new things is when we must pay attention to how their development occurs, so we can detect diseases and possible problems in...

Emotional characteristics of children with obsessive compulsive disorder

The obsessive-compulsive disorder (or OCD), according to recent studies, in our society affects 1% of the population. It is a disorder suffered by twice as many men as women. Genetics are often a...

How to know if my child has bulimia nervosa

Any parent can feel concerned when they begin to notice that something is wrong with their teenager. And it is that both bulimia and anorexia are not only a girl thing, but there...

How to help my child with social phobia

From this article, we have talked to you about how to treat social phobia, characterized by an intense fear of facing any type of social situation. Even the very people who...

How to help my child with dyslexia from home

We have talked to you about how to identify dyslexia, and also what are the possible causes that originate it. But what happens when we have a child with dyslexia? Is it...

How to Treat Childhood Stuttering

Stuttering is a disorder characterized by the voluntary interruption of speech that usually arises during the first years of life and that can generate great stress in children and later...

How to improve living with my child with oppositional defiant disorder

We have already talked to you about how to identify oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), also some ways to help you and what are its causes. But what happens when the situation at home is complicated by...

How having a parent with obsessive compulsive disorder affects children?

The role of parents influences any child of any family, because it is essential to train and educate children as balanced and self-sufficient people. For this you have to dedicate a...

How to teach my autistic child

People with autism have a developmental disability, a disorder in the communication and social capacity, which manifests itself differently in each person. There are children with autism with...