What are the possible causes of social phobia in children?


When we talk about social phobia, we are talking about a disorder that is characterized by an intense and irrational fear of any social situation.But what is it that happens to generate this type of phobia? Is it possible to help these patients? To do this, it is important to know a little about this condition, so we want to explain what the possible causes of social phobia in children are.

Steps to follow:

  1. Genetic predisposition may have something to do with it, and if a close relative suffers from social phobia, there are probably more possibilities, but a good education about it can make it not appear or to a lesser extent.
  2. Temperament of the child. It is true that the temperament and character of the child can help the appearance of social phobia. There are children who are shyer than others, and when their shyness is extreme, they can develop a social phobia, that is why it is important since they are babies to provide them with pleasant experiences and contact with close people.
  3. Learned inheritance. The child learns by imitation, so the behavior and way of acting can be imitated by the little one. If the parents show fear of social situations or show an attitude of not wanting to interact with people, it may be that the child learns it and may develop social phobia.
  4. Attitude and behavior of parents towards their children. Having unloving parents, who ignore their children and put them aside, or overprotective parents who do not let their children learn by themselves, can also be triggers to suffer a social phobia in the child.
  5. Traumatic and humiliating events in childhood. This acquired fear can lead to a social phobia.

This article is merely informative, we do not have the power to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to see a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.


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